Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"God Bless Cowgirls"

The other day as Steve and I were walking, I noticed a group of vintage trailers parked in the distance.
Steve commented that some of the trailers reminded him of a trailer that his family had when he was a youngster. I thought that maybe we should check them out closer on our return. As we passed further on I noticed on the back of the last trailer there was a banner painted,"God Bless Cowgirls". This sparked a memory I had of an article in Country Living magazine on a group of women who traveled around the States camping in these cute little vintage trailers. I was so excited!! I was pretty sure that this was that group.

On our return, I knew that I NEEDED to go over and knock on a trailer door and show my enthusiasm! If any of you know me well, you know that this is totally not me!
Steve, Mr. visitor to anyone at anytime said that he wasn't comfortable.
I boldly continued forward to the door of "God Bless Cowgirls".
I knew that this day would be one of the best days.
As I knocked and hollered out "Hello!"; sheets flew to the floor at the open door of this cute little rig owned by Sister's on the Fly #29.

I told her who I was and that I had read the article in the Country Living magazine and was really excited to meet this group, yet I was REALLY "Stepping out of my box" forcing myself to come over to meet and see their rigs.

I was greeted warmly and found out that they were tearing down and heading for home that day and that I should have been there yesterday!
I was invited in and allowed to take pictures too!
39 pictures later and touring many homes on wheels I was very contented that I had forged forward to meet this group of women.
Some of them actually live in the Southern California area.
I will post some pics when we return to Beverly Cottage.
It was a great day!

1 comment:

erika said...

How cool! Can't wait to see pics. Were they dressed like cowgirls?