Monday, August 06, 2012

Paris ~ Ces't Si Bon ~

Ah~ Paris~City of Love!
Once you have set foot in her City, she becomes home in your heart~
She beckons and bids you back again and again, if it is only in a thought, or memory, or longing.
Once you have given in to her beckoning there is never a time that when Paris is mentioned, that you will not be pulled back to her streets and Avenues and cafes in your mind.

Around every corner is a new discovery and one must be open to stop for a moment to take in the ambiance~ Imagine passing this 'Fleuriste' daily and stopping in for a bunch of flowers to adorn your table.

Sitting on a park bench along the Seine and enjoying the spring air on your face as you read and relax the afternoon away~ Ahhh, yes, She beckons! 

The streets are lined with bicycles to rent and easily borrowed to get from place to place quickly ~

Drop into a cafe for a coffee and sit and  watch the pedestrians pass by on a rainy afternoon listening to the pattern of the rain drops hitting the awning, making natures symphony to the ear~ Make memories that are emblazoned in your spirit forever!

And then there is the Queen of them all ~ The Tour Eiffel ~ Stately she stands and brilliantly shines in glory.
The full moon adds to her splendor ~ Ahhh, yes! C'est Si Bon!


Modern Crush said...

If there is one place I could go anywhere in the world before I die it would be Paris. Someday Missy... XO!

Vista Gal said...

And when you do go ~ I will bid you Bon Voyage and my heart will go with you!