Tuesday, October 02, 2012

The Nest Is Full With The Latest Addition To The Family

September arrived with the arrival of our latest Grand child ~ Miss Wren Elise ~
She arrived on the eve of September 4th, the same day eleven years ago that my father passed~
We celebrated her into life, as I had remembered my father's passing earlier the same day~

The wittnessing of one's grandbaby born, the beauty of the miracle of birth, is such an adorning of love in one's heart, as the first sight of God's handiwork is met with the love of the grandmothers and parents.
We have waited throughout the 8 months anticipating who this little one would be, and what name would grace this child~

Wren joins the others in her family and will grow as gracefully as her older sisters.Her brother will teach and protect her . We are Blessed ~

Lovely she is and of such great disposition. I can hardly wait to see her playing with her older sisters, Tea Party, and with her dolly~

1 comment:

Pamela said...

She is so beautiful! I can't wait to get to see her in person! xoxo Love and miss you.