Monday, September 21, 2009

~ To Book or Not to Book ~

Buon giorno! and Bonjour!
We are off on another adventure to beautiful Italy and France!

I am in the process or searching and investigating places to visit and stay in the South of France, working our way up to Paris with a stop at Versailles and Monet's Giverny.

Map stretched out across the office desk and often upon the floor, magnifying glass in hand for a closer look, I inspect every inch to locate just the right spot to stop and experience.
Quickly I type the name of the town just discovered into the computer, and Viola! I am instantly taken to places that I might like to stay with their cost.

My situation is that we are traveling by train, and must be within close proximity of the *gar.
Train station.
I have found in my attempt to communicate via e-mail to some of these establishments, that they seem to not have the time to write back to answer if they are accessible by * pied
. Foot.

One does not want to land in the middle of wonderland, map in hand and hike to a destination 5 miles from the station, if you get my understanding!

I want to create the most romantic place to enjoy our stay and remember. A post~card of the heart, if you will.

I have found two such spots but am not receiving any answer to my posts.

To book, or to continue on with the search.....
Each day I come into the office and turn on the computer in hope of a French e-mail....

Should I just go with the flow and forge my own path as the Discovers of past?
They had to hack through the woods, forge swamps and deal with new discoveries along the path. Can this be that hard??

I sit in front of the monitor hours upon end and search and look and look. I am both exhausted and exhilarated with the thought that soon we will be in the air heading towards our rendes-vous.

Thrilled, I push the key that says BOOK IT.

I will share how all goes upon return. For now, Ciao!


tea time and roses said...

Enjoy your trip!!:o)



Homestead said...

What ever you do I know you will have a trip of a life time...Have a Magical Time

erika said...

It is going to be so wonderful! I am excited for you. You guys like to walk:) 5 miles is nothing! (heehee)

Modern Crush said...

How fun!! Cant wait to see the pictures and to hear all about it! xo