Sunday, August 02, 2009

La jolla Cove and A feeling of DeJa Vu

This Saturday I attended a wedding Shower for a dear friend's daughter, held in La Jolla along the Cove.

I was taken a back as I looked out upon the view of the Cove from my vantage point.
I couldn't help but feel as if I were looking back in time to the Fifties with the beach seen I was surveying. I felt as if I were looking upon a picture puzzle from the past,of a visit to the shore and how it made a summer day wonderful!

Beach umbrellas displaying their colored crowns, protecting those underneath sitting in the sand. The beach was bustling with the throng of sun bathers and swimmers desiring to plunge into the gentle surf slapping the shore. The swimmers were floating along the top of the water,too many to be counted, and it wasn't for a moment until I finally realized that these for the most part were snorkelers enjoying the underwater view.

The scent of the salt sea air mingled in the warmth of the sun baked day with a hint of seaweed in the breeze.
Everything called to me to come down the cement steps to join the holidaymakers.

I could envision a child building a sandcastle encrusted with tiny sea shells and a flag perched upon its turret.
It truly was a marvelous summer day at the cove and it made me reminisce on days gone by when to sit upon the shore and play was a delight


Modern Crush said...

Just beautiful... sometime you will have to snorkel there!

Vista Gal said...

I have snorkeled in Baja , Mulege.