Friday, June 29, 2012

Theresa the Monarch Butterfly ~

Beverly Cottage has become Monarch Farms at least for the Season~

Receintly I made a visit to one of my favorite Nursery, Pearson Gardens, to check out their vegetable plants. As I was there I saw that they had a screened cage of Milkweed eating Monarch catterpillars, and some chrysilis hanging on the screen.
I was estatic to see the origin of Monarch Butterflies that have shown up the past few years into Beverly Cottage's garden! I am always so excited to discover something new that has decided to stop and visit a while and make my gardens delightful!
Monarchs have a delicate way of lilting through the air ever so lightly and putting a smile on my face. I feel so very special that they love our garden, of course it helps to have a Butterfly Bush that is huge and flowery, inviting them to come and eat.
Well~ I had to have one of these Milkweed plants which came with a few complementary catterpillars, Decoration for the plant! I promptly came home and S. planted it and I sat to watch my new pets devour the plant and grow!
The plan was to share this wonderful experience with the "Grands", and they did not dissappoint. They are as eager to watch this miracle of metamorphysis.
One week later, my plants eaten down to bare branches, I knew my five caterpillars were not finished with their dinner, and I couldn't let them starve for heaven's sake!
Back to Pearsons to purchace another plant for dessert. With the 'Grands" in tow, Mark, the owner sent us home with not only a new plant , but some empty flats that had been stored under their plant tables that some catterpillars had attached themselves to and formed into chrysilis.
 We instantly became a Monarch Farm ~ Becoming  "expactant parents" to beautiful winged creatures lilting through the air at Beverly Cottage Garden~ Perfect for luncheons and tea parties!
Today we became parents to four butterflies as we watched them hatch and crawl out of their nests all within two hours of each other!! The most wonderful part was that the "Grands" were here to wittness it!
I hope that you enjoy the photographs!

I know that we definately will have to write a report about this for school next year!