Sunday, August 29, 2010

There is Nothing Better Than family~

This Summer we had a family reunion here at Beverly Cottage.
July, our son and his lovely wife joined the California branch for a two week summer fest.
They have been re-located in the Knoxville,Tenn. area for a little over 5 years now. We try to get back there and they have managed to come West a few times over the years, it sure feels great when all the chicks are in the nest.
My firstborn surprised us and joined in the fun mid weeks. It is always so special when he comes for a visit,and I am indeed blessed everytime we are together.
I had given him up for adoption 42 years ago. We have been reunited 17 years now. He is the age now, that I was when we were reunited. This is deep, I know, but it is also so profound that we are where we are. I am finally completely happy with our relationship, and secure in our love for each other.
It had been 9 years since all the children had been together with us, so this past month has been a complete blessing to have been given my heart's desire.
We were able to beachcomb,dine,BBQ,visit and play together. There is now total satisfaction in my heart having had them all here.
Our latest member of the family, baby Paige, is growing and interacting. She is smiling and cooing... I think that she recognizes her Grammie. I sang "I'm a Little Tea Pot" to her the other day and she told me that was her favorite song. We shall have tea at Beverly cottage as soon as she can sit.<3
I will add photos soon!xxx

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What do the letters say?

What do the letters say?
Originally uploaded by Shane Bonham
This is an older video of my Grand Daughter Tegan at close to 2 years old. I had forgotten all about it until stumbling across it just the other day. She is simply drling and so dear, and I must add, prettty darn good at her letter sounds!!