Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Spring is Springing

Today we had the kids here.
It was a beautiful sunny spring day and to keep their little bodies busy, we went outside.
They ran in the back field as fast as they could and went out to the chicken coop and counted the chickens and Tegan had fun on the swing. We watched two hawks fly over us back and forth in their mating ritual, it was fun to see their wings spread wide and watch them glide in the current of the wind.
We had a lady bug hunt. The grass in the back yard is perfect for them to be hatching.
We could not find a one! Maybe it is a bit too early for them. We walked over to the secret garden on the side of the house and as I passed by a bucket of recently collected rain I saw ONE!
It had landed in the water and was swimming about to try to get out. I quickly called Ethan and he rescued it. We looked further around the area for more of the sweet little red ladies, but there were none to be seen. I wonder where she came from?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Out With the Old, In With the New

I have to say that this month has been grueling as I have pulled EVERYTHING out of my "sewing room" to paint, carpet and clean.
I have accumulated so many articles { that I believe I need to be the creative artist that I think I am in my mind}.
I shudder as I look at all the items that I pulled out of the room, and have to go through to re- stock and cut down the "JUNK".
There is going to be a huge garage sale soon!
I want a simple artist palate that is beautiful and efficient. Where I can invite my friends and family in to look at my current project, not quickly close the door as the doorbell rings.
I was frantic that my daughter might call one of those T.V. shows that come out and surprise you to help you organize and get rid of !!!
Now the precious "STUFF" is out on the deck, as the carpet is being laid. The walls are a freshly painted pale turquoise with a brown sugar trim, ready for a fresh start!
I must down size and choose only the most precious items to go back into my newly proclaimed "STUDIO".
Please pray as I do this , letting go seems hard to do.
I tell myself that I will never use half the items I have collected, I like that I can help out my daughters when they need fabric for their latest projects, but I know that if I really need something it is there at the store.
Now, I have to design the lay out of the room.
I am very excited about our project and I thank Steve, my husband for fulfilling this task as the main man!
Pictures to follow!!!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Tonight as I was making dinner I turned the television on to see what was playing on TCM or AMC.
I enjoy catching a glimpse of a black and white oldie. Tonight A Tree Grows in Brooklyn was on.
I remember reading this book when I was a young teen and loving it!
I have to say, I was stuck to the screen with tears streaming watching this flick.
Dorothy McGuire starred along with Joan Blondel as her sister.
When we traveled from Hawaii to San Diego, Joan Blondel was a passenger on the same ship.
I recommend the book and the movie if you can find it on Netflix or the cable channels.